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Construction Project Management By K.k. Chitkara 70: The Optimal Mix of Theory and Application for S


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Construction Project Management By K.k. Chitkara 70

Construction Project Management: Planning, Scheduling and Controlling 3rd Edition, authored by K. K. Chitkara, is a book that gives students a thorough understanding of the construction of project management techniques. This is explained with the help of various concepts, practical insights, real-life examples and skills needed to execute big and small projects.

\r \tConstruction Project Management: Planning, Scheduling and Controlling 3rd Edition, authored by K. K. Chitkara, is a book that gives students a thorough understanding of the construction of project management techniques. This is explained with the help of various concepts, practical insights, real-life examples and skills needed to execute big and small projects.

Chibesakunda, M. (2015). Reflective essay for strategic management of projects. Reflections on the BIS Project. _ESSAY_FOR_STRATEG IC_MANAGEMENT_OF_PROJECTS_Reflections_on_the_BIS_Project_Stude nt_in_Work_Role.

Construction Industry being one of the biggest industry involves many issues. One of such issues is Constructability, which is a management tool to optimize the construction knowledge and experience in various stages of the project, to achieve overall objectives. It is evolving as one of the important considerations for the participants of the project i.e. the client, the Architect/Designer, the Constructor /Contractor and the Consultant. The paper is an overview of issues covered in Constructability concept by various researchers. It also discussed the need for implementation of the concept, its benefits, barriers and the level of awareness among the project participants. Constructability, if involved in the construction projects, at an early stage, can lead to significant reductions in cost and save economy of the country.

The constructions of urban infrastructure are an important sector that provides remarkable ingredients for the economic development of modern cities. However, a large number of transportation infrastructure construction projects are delayed; therefore, those projects always exceed their original time and cost estimates. So construction delay has been considered as a recurring problem in the construction projects of urban infrastructure, and it adversely affects the time, cost, safety, and quality of construction. This paper is committed to investigating the time performance of subway tunnel constructions in China to identify the causes of delay based on the questionnaire surveys of 87 tunnel consultants and 91 contractors, and a total of 49 delay causes of tunnel construction are identified one by one in this study. It can be concluded from this study that the six most severe delay causes are national policy for subway tunnel construction, complicated geological conditions, payment delays by owners, award projects to the lowest bid price, shortage of advanced large equipment, and low productivity of laborers. There is a relatively reliable agreement between the tunnel consultants and contractors of 76.3% on the ranking of different delay causes.

The constructions of urban infrastructure are one of the best tools through which a country or a region can achieve its economic goals of urban development [1], they have a remarkable effect on the economy of all countries and regions of the world [2]. Because the tunnel constructions are long processes and many parties are involved in the processes such as clients, designers, consultants, contractors, and subcontractors, tunnel constructions are becoming more and more complex [3]. Delay in the construction projects may produce adversarial and mistrust relationships, litigation and arbitration problems, and trepidation feelings among clients, designers, consultants, contractors, and subcontractors [4]. Whether the construction projects are successful or not depend on prime measures including time, cost, safety, and quality, any construction project may not be taken as a success unless it meets these specified requirements, and it is common to see a construction project failing to achieve its original time goal [5]. The delays in infrastructure construction projects became a universal phenomenon around the world.

In China, the general investigations have indicated that construction project delay is a common phenomenon, but there are no former researches which have carefully investigated the causes of project delay in subway tunnel construction. This paper aims to investigate the most severe delay causes of subway tunnel projects in China. Identifying causes is always the basic work when catching a problem, and then corrections can be done [8], so it is hoped that the studies of this paper may guide further works to improve the performance of the projects especially in the subway tunnel construction.

Construction projects are often faced with delays, and projects finish later than the dates fixed in construction contracts. Analysis of construction delay is usually based on the identification of delay causes since it is a determination of causation, quantification of delay, and assessment of responsibility in its simplest form [9, 10]. With the complex and multiparty nature of modern construction projects, it is a daunting task to identify the delay causes [11, 12].

The main study goals of this paper are as follows:(i)To identify the causes of delays in subway tunnel construction projects in China(ii)To identify and rank the severe delay causes according to the viewpoints of a large number of contractors and consultants(iii)To test the agreements between a large number of contractors and consultants on the rank of the severe delay causes

Based on the questionnaire surveys of project participants, the necessary information about project delays is obtained in an effective way. More than 40 delay causes of project delays are generated from related studies together with input, output, and revisions by some construction parties, the list of delay causes are shown in Table 1. The questionnaire surveys are also adopted to estimate the severity of all the delay causes.

The studied project participants mainly involve contractors and consultants, the contractors are holding the valid registrations in tunnel specialization within China from the Chinese Contractors Association. The studied project participants do not involve owners because the subway tunnel construction projects are public infrastructure projects which are always funded by the local governments, it means that there is only one owner for each project and so the view of the owner is not collected through a questionnaire survey. The studied contractors and consultants are selected by random sampling from an available list. The detailed communication information of studied contractors and consultants are obtained from the database of the Chinese Contractors society.

Data are obtained from the questionnaire surveys of contractors and consultants and studied by adopting a severity index. The agreement between the two kinds of parties on the severity rank of the delay causes is also tested. Some suggestions making for reducing the project delays in subway tunnel construction are emphasized in the study results.

The questionnaire surveys are divided into two parts. Part one is connected with the integrated information for both the construction companies and responders. The selected contractors and consultants are both requested to respond to the questions about their tunnel construction experience, and they are also further requested to respond to the questions related to their opinions about the causes of project delays according to their tunnel construction experience. Part two contains the detailed list of identified delay causes in subway tunnel construction projects, and the delay causes are in nine kinds of classification in terms of delay sources from the owner, designer, contractor, consultant, labor, environment, equipment, material, and external factor. Two questions in the questionnaires are as follows:(1)In your opinion, what is the occurring probability of each delay causes? The occurring probability ranges from 0.1 to 1(2)What is the severity degree of each delay causes on subway tunnel construction? The severity is classified into six degrees, which is on a zero to five-point chosen range, as no influence, very low, low, medium, high, and very high

(4) Causes from the Consultant. The severity index and ranking of the 4 delay causes from the consultant in the view of consultants and contractors are shown in Table 6. It can be concluded from Table 6 that the severest cause from the consultant is the delay of inspection by the consultant. It also can be concluded from Table 6 that the cause rankings in the view of consultants are almost similar with the view of contractors, the ranking span of causes according to the combined view ranges from 40.19% to 56.14% which means that all the causes from the consultant have a medium effect on delay of subway tunnel construction projects.

(8) Causes from External Factors. The severity index and ranking of each delay cause from external factors in the view of consultants and contractors are shown in Table 10. It can be concluded from Table 10 that the severest cause from external factors is the national policy for subway tunnel construction, the second severest cause is award the project to lowest bid price, the severity index of both causes are bigger than 70%. It also can be concluded from Table 10 that the cause rankings in the view of consultants are almost similar with the view of contractors, but there is a span in causes ranking according to the combined view of consultants and contractors which ranges from 45.22% to 75.17% which means that each cause from external factors has a medium or high effect on delay of subway tunnel construction projects. 2ff7e9595c

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